the clytemnestriad
Written by A. Nora Long
Directed by Caitlin Lowans
April 10 - 18, 2015
The Hale Chapel at First Church in Boston
When a photograph is all that remains of a soul, who will tell her story? A modern reinterpretation of Aeschylus' Oresteia and Euripides' Iphigenia plays, this story blends time, memory, and myth to suss out other sides of an ancient tale. How can a family find justice after an unspeakable act and end the cycle of revenge?
“...Long’s writing is solid and weaves an excellent story. Her male and female characters are rich with cares and needs. They develop familial and platonic relationships with pasts and futures. Long’s writing gives The Clytemnestriad’s cast much fodder to shape and toy with...”
Special Events
*Post Show Social following the evening performance on Saturday, April 11th
*Cheap Date Night on Wednesday, April 15th - Buy One Ticket, Get One Free (+ Free Concessions Package!) - online only with code DATE
*Playwright's Night on Thursday, April 16th with a Tootsie Pop Talk following the performance
*Parity Party following the performance on Friday, April 17th - more info here!
Show Dates and Times
April 10-18, 2015
Wednesday & Thursday at 7:30pm
Fridays at 8pm
Saturdays at 3pm & 8pm
Sunday at 4pm
Cast and Production Team
Clytemnestra - Jade Guerra
Agamemnon - Robert Cope
Electra/Young Clytemnestra - Shanae Burch
Iphigenia/Young Helen - Melody Martin
Orestes/Young Agamemnon - Alex Marz
Playwright - A. Nora Long
Director - Caitlin Lowans
Dramaturg - Ramona Ostrowski
Production Manager - Gabe Hughes
Stage Manager - Kelly Smith
Lighting Design - Allison Schneider
Sound Design - Andrew Duncan Will
Scenic, Prop & Costume Design - Sarah Winters
Jade Guerra (Clytemnestra) is a Boston born actress. She is a member of Theatre Espresso and recently was a part of the ensemble of Shockheaded Peter put on by Company One and also played Angela in Stickball productions’ Two Boys Lost. She is so excited to work on The Clytemnestriad and is thankful for the opportunity.
Robert Cope (Agamemnon) is excited to make his first appearance with Fresh Ink Theatre Company. Some of Robert's favorite recent credits include: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (George), Never the Sinner (Clarence Darrow), Macbeth (Macbeth), Crime and Punishment (Porfiry), Lonestar (Roy), Measure for Measure (Vincentio), and Much Ado About Nothing (Don John) among others. Robert is a proud MFA graduate of the University of Florida School of Theatre and Dance.
Shanae Burch (Electra/Young Clytemnestra) is originally from Southern California with some South Jersey roots and attended Emerson College to study Acting. She was most recently seen as Debbie in The Real Thing, Kit/Shona in Top Girls, and the family show If You Dream with Bad Habit Productions. Additional credits: Shirley in Hell by Fire, Hell by Ice by MJ Halberstadt, Serena in Raising David Walker by Peter Snoad, and additional reading workshops. She is the Social Media Manager for WAM Theatre, Research Intern for Community Conversations: Sister to Sister -- a black women's health initiative, and is proud to create with Paradise Lost: A Movement Collective, The Bok Players, and True to Life Training. She's grateful to God that she has these experiences to fuse her passion for people, performance, and health education every day.
Melody Martin (Iphigenia/Young Helen) is grateful to once again join the creative team of Fresh Ink, taking on two roles in The Clytemnestriad. A Boston-based actor, she was most recently on stage as Lucy, in the Footlight Club’s production of the dark comedy Mr. Marmalade. Previous Fresh Ink roles include Christian in Outlaw Jean and Sam Pascutti in Girls’ Sports.
Alex Marz (Orestes/Young Agamemnon) is thrilled to be joining Fresh Ink for this production! Past Boston credits include Jonah in Bad Jews (Speakeasy Stage Company), Chris in Becky’s New Car (Lyric Stage Company), Romeo in Romeo and Juliet (Boston Theater Company) and Macbeth in Macbeth (Brown Box Theatre Project). In addition to working as an actor in Boston, Alex is also the Outreach Director at Brown Box Theatre Project. He is a graduate of Connecticut College – Go Camels – and holds degrees in Theater Arts and American Studies.
A. Nora Long (Playwright) is thrilled to be working with the fine folks at Fresh Ink Theatre. She is the associate artistic director for the Lyric Stage Company of Boston and one of the artistic directors for New Exhibition Room, a local fringe company that specializes in developing cheeky ensemble-based new work. In addition to her administrative role in the company, she has directed and led the creation of several projects with NXR including Shh!, an exploration on the role of censorship which attended the New York International Fringe Festival after a sold-out run in Boston; The Paper Bag Princess, an all-ages show, Midnight at the Last Night Cabaret and EEP!Show. She has worked with several other Boston-area theatre companies as a director, writer, dramaturg, and translator including Bad Habit Productions, the Lyric Stage Company of Boston, the American Repertory Theatre, and Whistler in the Dark. She received her MFA in Dramaturgy from the American Repertory Theatre/ Moscow Art Theatre School Institute for Advanced Theatre Training at Harvard University and her BA from Sarah Lawrence College in theatre and Italian. She was the recipient of the Fall, 2012 Dramaturg Driven Grant given by the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, and has been nominated for Best Director by the Independent Reviewers of New England. You can learn more about Nora's work at her online portfolio:
Production Photos
Photos by Louise Hamill

Pre-Production Photos
Photos by Louise Hamill

(L to R) Melody Martin as Iphigenia, Jade Guerra as Clytemnestra, and Shanae Burch as Electra.
New England Theatre Geek - Kitty Drexel review
Edge Boston - Killian Melloy review
Download the press release for Clytemnestriad by A. Nora Long